Night Owl or Early Bird?

As soon as my eyes would pop open, I would hop out of bed. I cannot stay in bed when I wake up. I am most definitely a early bird.
My mom hates me waking up early and always tells me to get more sleep (I think that she just wants to wake up first). But whenever I get back in bed, I cannot fall back asleep. My mom is also an early bird and I think I inherited my early bird genes from her. Every morning, when the rest of the house is still dark, I would be inside the restroom and brushing my teeth. After I would finish, I would creep down stairs and greet my mom, who was making breakfast (she has been waking up earlier to get head of me). As I waited for my lazy sister and Dad to drag themselves out of bed, I would finish my homework or read. When they finally came downstairs, we would all eat breakfast and I would go to school.
So in conclusion, I am an early bird. I cannot stay in bed in the mornings. What about you? Are you an early bird or an night owl?

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